Once the grib has been analysed, the data of a specific record can be extracted and written in a file. In order to produce an output file, follow these steps:
1) Select the record to extract by clicking on it. The record number will appear above the button.
2) Select the directory where the output file will be written, and specify a name for it. Use the the
button for these operations.
3) Select the type of the output file by means of the specific radio buttons The type can be ASCII, IEEE, GRIB or binary. For more information on these types the user is invited to read the WGRIB documentation..
4) Only for the ASCII type, select the format of the output file by means of the specific radio buttons.
5) Click the button.
If the ASCII output type is selected, the user can specify four output formats:
- Standard (i.e. the standard WGRIB output file)
- Surfer GRD (i.e. the ASCII GRD format of the Surfer package by Golden Software)
- ESRI GRD (i.e. the ASCII GRD format of ESRI)
- ESRI SHP (i.e. the ESRI vectorial shapefile). Note that the SHP format is treated among the ASCII files, even if it is binary. Note also that the production of output files as SHP could take long times (e.g. minutes).
The last three formats allows to produce maps in a very easy way, they require that the domain of the meteorological variables is specified by means of the number of points along X and Y (NX, NY) the coordinates of the lower left corner (XLL, YLL) and the spatial resolution (DX, DY). If the number of grids do not agree with the number read in the grib file, the program prompts an error message. The domain features can be obtained by using the
Examples of maps produced starting from the GribAE output files are shown below.