In order to load a grib file from the PC, the button must be used.
Once a grib file has been specified, it can be analysed using the button. Note that such button is not enabled until a grib file has been loaded. The analyses is carried out according to the choice indicated in the Inventory frame as Short, Verbose or PDS. For more information on the kind of inventory produced, the user is invited to read the WGRIB documentation.
The time needed from the analysis depends on the grib file size. At the end of the analyses the results are illustrated in a grid as the one shown, as an example, in figure.
Since the results can be thousands, they can be filtered according to the date, the variable and the level. It is possible for example to show the results for all the dates and temperature at surface, as for the options in figure. Once the filters have been selected, use the button to set them and see the filtered results within the grid.
Summary information on the contents of a specified record can be easily obtained by selecting the record (clicking over it in the grid), and clicking over the button. As a result a summary will be shown. The content of the summary can be copied in the clipboard by selecting it and clicking