WindRose PRO is a Windows application for analyzing and plotting directional variables starting from raw data or from their frequencies. It can be used to represent wind roses, but it is also possible to represent any other directional variable. A wind rose is a chart which gives a view of how wind speed and wind direction are distributed at a particular location over a specific period of time. It is a very useful representation because a large quantity of data can be summarized in a single plot.
Examples of plots generated with WindRose PRO3 are available here.
Download and evaluate WindRose PRO3 for free.
Buy an annual subscription through FastSpring secure site with credit card, PayPal, money order or bank transfer.
Purchase price refers to a 1-year subscription license (single platform). Software updates are available for users with a valid subscription.
Here are some features of WindRose PRO3:
View how to create a wind rose starting from the example configuration file distributed with the installation package.
View how to create a wind rose starting from the AERMOD meteorological file.
View how to create a wind rose starting from the ISC3ST meteorological file, and how to export it as a KML file for Google Earth.